As you have already read about our vision and mission, we want to bring all kinds of people, including members of motorbike clubs, closer to the Kingdom of Heaven and plant seeds of faith in their hearts whenever and wherever we can.
We want to bring the love of Jesus Christ to people, proclaim of salvation through Christ and provide for spiritual and physical needs of all.
As a member you will be actively involved in the missionary service of Bikers for Christ MM. You will wear our colours. If you wish to do so, you should be aware of the following guidelines:
– You must be a Bible-believing Christian (male or female) and a member of and regularly attend a Bible-believing Christian church.
– You must own and ride a motorbike (500cc or more). Spouses who are only passengers may also apply.
– You must have a desire to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ.
– You must make a commitment before God, yourself and us that you will not get drunk, use illegal drugs, engage in illegal, immoral or unethical practices (including coarse language or swearing) or sow discord as a member of this ministry.
– You must not allow others to wear your BFC MM colours or do anything that brings Christianity or your brothers and sisters in Christ into disrepute. It is between you and God, so be faithful to Him. We will not follow you, but we pray that you will not wear your BFC MM colours if you are not on the right path.
Women in BFC ministry
Women in BFC MM are full and equal partners in ministry. Whether they are behind the scenes praying for those on the front lines of ministry or riding side by side sharing the gospel. It is God’s plan that men and women are equal partners in ministry.
Each Christian is individually gifted by the Holy Spirit for the work to which God has called them. No two Christians are alike, but all are equal in the eyes of God. Regardless of his or her role and task in God’s kingdom, each Christian is vital to the mission of bringing the Gospel message to the world.
Whether their ministry is visible or behind the scenes, BFC MM appreciates the efforts of men and women who wear the BFC MM badge equally.